Local Development Agency and Employment Health Celador uncurso organized targeting the unemployed in order to improve their employability.
The deadline for applications to register for the course will remain open from 13th April until 16th of that month, and applicants must address the ADLE lasdependencias on Calle Caridad 1 to complete the application a photocopy of the card unemployment and photocopy of identity card
The training, which will begin on May 3 and end on July 5, will be held in the morning, for a total of 10 people unemployed.
Students will receive a specific theoretical training in the area of patient care and transfer of 100 hours.
After the theoretical part, practical training carried out one month in the workplace, carrying out the duties of the caretaker.
During this training period, students receive a scholarship of EUR 10 per day of attendance.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena