Area Vocational and Professional Local Development Agency and Employment, in the Mobile Classroom, will launch the Choose project, involving the organization of a series of courses and workshops for vocational and professional guidance to users from of the various neighborhoods of Cartagena, in addition to actions already under way in schools.
The contents of these courses and workshops aim to help achieve the improvement of skills and acquisition of skills required to meet both an appropriate methodology for the study and prevention of school failure as knowledge of appropriate strategies for job search, development emotional skills for work, recruitment procedures used and control over anxiety.
During 2010 the range of courses and workshops, 10 hours each one, is:
Techniques of study and prevention of school failure.
Overcoming test anxiety.
The active search for employment.
The development of emotional skills and competencies for the job.
The selection of personal interviews and psychometric tests.
The offer is made to all districts in the region of Cartagena, debiéndolo request by fax, or in receipt of the Agency of Local Development and Employment by submitting the appropriate form.
Course of this relationship, each neighborhood or council, two of them may apply, depending on the number of people interested.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena