The Bishop of the Diocese of Cartagena yesterday afternoon gave a lecture at the Artillery Park in the port city, part of the cycle of events organized by the California Association of the Last Supper, on the occasion of its 75th anniversary.
Also, Bishop José Manuel Lorca Planes he was appointed Honorary President of this Association.
This event was attended, accompanying Mr. Bishop, the President of the Association of the Last Supper and the Holy Christ of Los Mineros, D.
José Luis Galán, Big Brother of the Brotherhood of California, D.
Juan Manuel Moreno, and Episcopal Vicar of Cartagena, D.
José Abellán.
The conference focused on the theme of the Eucharist and was based on the theological reflections of John Paul II.
Plans Lorca Bishop explained that the Eucharist stands out among its aspects to be "memorial."
He noted that its meaning is not just the memory of a past event, but to the presence of the wonders that God is doing now in favor of men, whose actual effects. "
"God is present in the history of man and man, throughout history, also looks to God" - he said.
The bishop stressed that "the Eucharist is only able to keep the memory alive in us the love of Our Lord."
She stated that the Church must take special care of the Eucharist as a "gift from God and a gift to the Church."
The archbishop said that "the Eucharist is the Sacrifice of Praise."
"The Eucharist is a sacrament of total intimacy with God" - claimed.
José Manuel Lorca.
In addition, he said that "anyone who participates in the Eucharist are called to participate in communion with Christ."
"Christ forms us in his image so that features of the divine nature shine forth in us" - he said.
However, Mr. Bishop encouraged the faithful to "live out that experience of meeting and love with the Lord."
Source: Obispado de Cartagena