The Association of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) in Cartagena, starts Feb. 6, his campaign to collect signatures under the title "What do you spend my money?" In order to claim "transparency in accounts of the royal family. "
PCE and militants of the Communist Youth in Cartagena, begin collecting signatures at 12 am at the Paseo Alfonso XIII next to the entrance ramp to Carrefour.
The signatures collected over the next three months in the whole of Spain, will be transferred to the Congress of Deputies for its consideration by the Petitions Committee and the Parliamentary Group of UI, so this proposal is brought to a wider debate and state character.
According to them from the communist organization, "Last year the Royal Family enjoyed EUR 9 million by the State Budget, up 2.7% over the previous year, despite the crisis."
According to the Belgian press, Juan Carlos I is third in wealth and assets, estimated at 1,700 million euros in the ranking of European royal houses.
No one knows how to distribute that money, how much is shared, or what use it.
Neither Members nor the Court of Auditors, nor the prosecutor, nor the courts, even the Official Secrets Commission have access to that information.
From Cartagena PCE demand, "the royal household's accounts are transparent and subject to public scrutiny, transparency should eventually donations and gifts received by the king in his capacity as Head of State," said Miguel Vidal, Political Secretary of the Communist Party in the District of Cartagena.
Source: Partido Comunista Cartagena