The academic de Santo Tomás de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena was held today for the first time in the hall of the new building of the Faculty of Business Science (formerly CIM).
Félix Faure Rector chaired the event, which awards have been given special limit, masters and doctorates, has inaugurated the new doctors and have been handed medals commemorating 25 years of service to faculty and staff administration and university services.
This year, as new, the UPCT has given awards to teachers who have distinguished themselves by their involvement in implementing the reforms which incorporates the European Higher Education Area (Bologna).
During his speech, the president Félix Faure has described 2009 as "the great year of research and scientific production" in the UPCT.
Faure has listed some of the indicators that have helped the University continue one more year to improve positions in all Spanish universities.
The head of the educational institution has set a magnificent example of this year, 37 doctoral theses presented "a number that has not been achieved so far," the patent-record a total of eight-, or tenth position held UPCT in the ranking of R & D programs of the National Plan.
"The most encouraging of all is that the system has no symptoms of exhaustion."
The president recalled that last year was also critical because it has been completed "one of our big college dreams, the structure of the shaft between the Sea Wall and Alfonso XIII."
It also stressed the importance of the International Campus of Excellence program is for UPCT and stressed the value of the youngest public university in Spain little has been located in universities all best evaluated in certain respects.
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Antonio Vigueras, has been asked to deliver the lecture entitled "Mathematics and mathematical foundations of celestial mechanics: From Newton to Poincaré."
It has made a historical journey through the history of science and mathematics, with particular attention to the involvement of mathematics in the study of the universe, and particularly celestial mechanics.
During his lecture, Vigueras quoted Newton as one of the greatest scientists in history and listed among other theories, Euler, Laplace, Hamilton, Lagrange and Kovalevskaya.
Antonio Vigueras concluded his speech by noting the importance of a good background in mathematics and asking the public authorities responsible for education and "the breadth of vision and means to offer quality education to enable at least homogenized in spending in education and research with other advanced countries and facilitate change in the production model. "
Source: UPCT