Over a thousand students from colleges and vocational training centers in the Region of Murcia, Alicante and Almeria visit from Monday until next February 12 the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.
Specifically, today visited the UPCT the following locations: Colegio San Jorge de La Alcayna de Molina de Segura, IES Beniel Junterón Gil, IESRector Don Francisco García Sabater and IES Carlos III in Cartagena.
The purpose of the visits is that students who are about to access the university know in detail the educational provision offered by UPCT as well as facilities and infrastructure available to them to continue their education.
Students from forty schools will receive complete information on all degrees offered at the Polytechnic University and guide them on the steps they must follow to formally join, all with the purpose of having a close-up image and accessible the educational institution.
Depending on the options and preferences Bachelor of future university enters into an itinerary, which includes in any case a general briefing in which there is a review of studies and services UPCT.
Student groups can choose from a campus visit Sea Wall, which includes the technical colleges of Telecommunications Engineering, the Industrial Engineering and the School of Architecture and Engineering Building and the building I + D + i, or guided tour of the Campus de Alfonso XIII, knowing the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering, Naval and Ocean Engineering and the School of Civil Engineering.
Source: UPCT