The technical team of the Language Exchange, which organizes Young Elespacio the Youth Council, has developed the Program of Activities for the first three months of 2010, once it has assessed the initiatives developed during the first quarter of the course, October to December 2009.
In total 170 people have participated in various activities, highlighting the 4 meetings of laTertulia Babel, a meeting point for friends to chat in different languages while taking a coffee tourist lasvisitas confirmed the interest of users of the BI for heritage Archaeological our city, practicing Spanish and English, and the International Karaoke, a safe bet for fun and the interrelationship of languages, cultures and nationalities, which ended the last quarter.
Taking into account the degree of satisfaction of users Bag Youth Space Languages for the months January to March 2010 is planned for the circle Multicultural lacontinuación Babel, which becomes the second fortnight of January, superiodicidad common and on the same site.
The first of these gatherings will be Thursday, January 14, in Café Stories, at 21:30.
Similarly continue the guided tours in French and Italian.
The House of Fortune and the Punic Wall will host the participants of the Exchange.
In this quarter will also host the 3rd edition of the Reading Club BI, this year more widely a language, with five clubs that are scheduled, inEnglish, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Participants will read and discuss the book selected for each language.
In mid February, the illustrator Emily Nudd Mitchell will present his travel books and we will share their experiences in a workshop reading and reflection.
To end the first quarter of 2010 will be held unTaller International Cuisine in the European Volunteer Youth in Action program we offer recipes from their countries of origin.
Despite being stuck in full preparation of all these activities the BI technical team is working to find new participants to continue doing language exchanges as these are the foundation of the program.
Today is still doing homework and the final goal of the promoters is that all users can enjoy a colleague or a trade group.
European Volunteers Programme Youth in Action are doing their volunteer project in different programs of the Youth Council are actively involved in the preparation and organization of activities and in developing them.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena