Local Development Agency and Employment of the City of Cartagena ADLE) has extended the deadline for applying for courses and workshops Mobile Classroom to 29 November.
It will be recalled Area Vocational and Professional ADLE organizes a series of orientation courses and workshops for people interested in the municipality of Cartagena.
The "Mobile Classroom Programme is open to the neighborhoods, in addition to actions in schools, will now offer a new range of training to all townships and county Cartagena.
The aim is to bring the guidance and training to citizens of Cartagena, launching the mobile classroom in different areas of Cartagena.
It aims to decentralize some of the great activities of the ADLE, by involving as many people through the involvement of neighborhood associations in carrying out various training activities for career counseling.
This project consists of a range of courses and workshops to all neighborhood associations in the region of Cartagena.
The contents of these courses and workshops aim to help achieve the improvement of skills and acquisition of skills necessary to cope with both an adequate study methodology and prevention of school failure as knowledge of appropriate strategies for job search development of emotional competence for the job, recruitment procedures most commonly used, and control of anxiety.
In the coming months the range of courses and workshops is:
Techniques of study and prevention of school failure.
Overcoming test anxiety.
The active search for employment.
The development of emotional skills and competencies for the job.
The selection of personal interviews and psychometric tests.
Each of the courses and workshops will be 10 horaslectivas.
The offer was made to all townships in the municipality of Cartagena.
You can request the completion of such training, with groups of parents, youth, active workers, unemployed, students etc. Are
Course of this relationship, each neighborhood or council, two of them may apply, depending on the number of people interested.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena