City of Cartagena and Segura basin (CHS) have agreed to establish a priority order to begin getting the roads that cross the wadis of the municipality of Cartagena, to improve safety and prevent future damage.
This agreement has been estamediodía, the visit made by the Mayor of Cartagena, Pilar Barreiro, along with the president of the CHS, José Salvador Fuentes in the refurbishment of the Rambla del Portus, the deputation of Galifa Cartagena.
With an investment of 317,994.92 euros, aims to improve the channel, to avoid the risks of flooding in the area and isolation of vecinos.Solucionaremos caused problems on the stretch of the highway E-21, which connects the towns of Galifa and Quarries, when rain falls of some importance, which cause traffic courts and isolation of towns, said President José Salvador Zorita.
Within these actions, we have carried out works in the boulevard of Quarries, The Mendoza and The Source, to adapt and improve protection against future floods.
Regarding the last rainfall in Cartagena in September, the City of Cartagena has assessed the damage to 11 roads in the municipality, located in the west, an expense amounting to 300,000 euros.
This balance of damage, along with the 52 bodies received by the citizens, were sent to the Government Office.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena