Following the disclosure by the direction of "7 REGION DE MURCIA" non-renewal of the sponsorship agreement signed between the two entities want to state the following:
We face a clear unfairness to our organization as ELPOZO MURCIA TURISTICA, Club of our own category, has a sponsorship contract worth FORTY THOUSAND EUROS.
"7 REGION DE MURCIA" is a public company that under no circumstances may they discriminate against clubs in the region for the benefit of others, especially when they militate in identical sports categories.
The fact that the sponsorship agreement was communicated when the kits official game wore the logo "7" on his right sleeve, which proves the good faith of our Club to continue working with the dissemination and implementation of the mark "7" throughout Spain; reason that we feel cheated and what is more regrettable, for a public institution.
This club can not afford the treatment that is object of a company owned by the Autonomous Regions of Murcia, so that from now on record that we are going to perform all necessary actions in self-defense of our interests, ruling not even go to the Courts of Justice, exercising the actions of any kind that are unprecedented.
Source: Reale Cartagena