The Municipal Institute of Social Services has prepared LAII Palma Intercultural Week, with the motto A dream: a world, will be held from 24 October to 7 November.
To this has had the collaboration of the Associations of Parish Caritas de La Palma, AMPA IES Carthage Neighborhood Association, Amas de Casas, Santa Florentina College, Adult Education, CODELPA, Youth Platform and neighborhood La Palma La Palma.
Among the activities will be carried out include:
October 24th .- Futsal Championship.
October 26 .- Talk, inauguration of the cultural week, dessert competition in the world.
October 27 .- balloon twisting workshop and recital of poems.
October 28 .- Exhibition of Photography.
October 30 .- Magic Show.
November 7 .- Theatre performance.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena