The Local Government today gave the green light to the agreement between the Council and the Secretariat General of Prisons, which the former agrees to offer fifteen places for people who have to serve sentences for minor crimes, so they can replace penalties for public utility works, ie, services that benefit the municipality.
As stated by the Deputy Mayor, Agustín Guillén, we present an annex to the different places that we meet the requirements to be exercised in this regard, for the Department of Sports, Culture and Welfare and, although initially are fifteen places , the number will grow gradually.
Furthermore, the Governing Board has also sought, among other issues on the agenda, the proposals in the area councilor Decentralization and Health, Nicolás Ángel Bernal, for the approval of the works of local improvement of social Isla Plana included in the Work Plan for Pedanías, provincial and depressed suburbs of Cartagena, 2008-2009, and basic project approval and implementation of a building for Computer Rooms in Miranda's Social Centre, within the said Plan.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena