The plenum of the municipal corporation of the City of Cartagena has approved this morning, among other issues on the agenda and a provisional reclassification of the land of zincs.
As explained by Town Planning, Joaquín Segado, these areas become urbanized industrial to residential use sectorized developable in compliance with the agreement between Spanish Zinc and the city of Cartagena and the unanimous approval and support of all City Council's political groups.
The next step, indicated Segado, is sending this provisional approval to the General Directorates of Planning and Environmental Quality, which will be approved permanently.
This provisional approval has not come to the plenary of the Corporation until the company has not agreed to sign a document with workers, signed last Friday, which requires the implementation of the plan of viability and compliance with the guarantees of these workers.
Alfonso Garcia, secretary of the Spanish company of zinc, added that the company will hold an external audit of the feasibility plan and will run for 10 weeks.
Meanwhile, Spanish employees of Zinc still locked in the cathedral of Murcia, while failure to reach a solution.
On the other hand, the Plenum of the Corporation also approved the amendment of the Municipal Service regulation and control of parking on the street, better known as the ORA, and allow the Holy Saturday, and Saturday after Good Friday and Friday Carthaginians and Romans, not the parking control.
The socialist municipal group has maintained his vow of abstinence, but so far have pointed out that they look correct, while they have changed their vote from abstaining to voting against the adoption of the statement of accounts of the municipal company Casco Antiguo.
Finally, we have also approved the annual accounts of the Local Digital Television Cartagena.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena