The performance will improve road safety for drivers traveling at night by a road with higher average daily traffic Region
The installation of 98 new points of light will increase the visibility in the fast lane passing through Los Belones
The Ministry of Public Works and Planning, through the Directorate General of Highways, will invest a total of 699,240 euros in the installation of street lighting on the road to La Manga (RM-12) as it passes through the deputation cartageneras The Belones, to improve road safety at night in the area through increased visibility.
As explained by the general director of Roads, Jose Guijarro, streetlights are located symmetrically to both sides of the road, supported on the anchor plates for concrete foundations, so that "through this action, security traffic on the road to La Manga will be enhanced for those drivers traveling at night. "
The director general noted that "under the Road Safety Plan of the Autonomous Region, nearly 40 percent of traffic accidents happened at night, even though vehicular traffic is as much as five times lower than during the day so from the regional government have planned for this year several actions to strengthen road lighting of regional ownership, as it have spikes in traffic at night throughout the year, in this case, in summer. "
The project, which will start after the summer ends so as not to impede traffic, including the installation of 98 light spots along the road, with an approximate distance between the lamps have 40 meters 12 meters high, while that the ends of the bridge on the boulevard of street lamps Carrasquilla have a height of 14 meters, to provide a better distribution of the beams of light through it.
This action is part of the continuing activity of the Ministry for strengthening security in the Road Network of the autonomous region, "especially on roads that provide access to the coast in summer and recorded a significant increase in traffic due to the large influx of holidaymakers to the beaches of the region, such as in the RM-12 which in summer reaches more than 60,000 vehicles a day ", said José Guijarro.
In this case, to the CEO, the projected light work on the road to La Manga "will increase the visibility of the road, which has two lanes in each direction of movement, and improve not only safety but also comfort in the displacement of residents and visitors. "
"The installation of lighting and complete other actions done in previous years as the lighting of the entrance to La Manga and a first phase in this same area, so the journey from Los Belones be illuminated by providing full visibility of the area drivers, "concluded Jose Guijarro.
Source: CARM