This morning the table was set up by the management of noise in Cartagena, chaired by Councillor of Environment, Isaiah Camarzana.
The purpose of this table, like so many start-ups within the strategy of the Local Agenda 21, is to promote a forum for analysis of the problem of noise pollution, involving the various sectors involved, such as business associations, professional neighbors, housewives and government, among others.
As noted Camarzana, this meeting has been presented the working document for the management of noise in the city, a document that is accompanied by an Action Plan which has the following points:
Improving the administrative management of noise in the hall:
Program creation of an administrative unit devoted to noise management
Technical Program Committee interdepartmental noise control
Implementation of an information and awareness program ongoing
Participation in the labor sector table noise
Establishing a legal support
Incorporation of new technologies in the control and noise management
Social integration program
Information, education and awareness, with programs targeted at the school, professionals and the general population
Incorporating acoustic variable land use and urban planning.
Program development of a strategic noise map
Protection program in areas sensitive to noise
Programme acoustic saturated zone demarcation
Program to incorporate the variable acoustics to all urban plans developed at City Hall (new PGOU) 3
Quality Program Building acoustics
Pilot implementation of an ESA
Control of point sources of noise pollution.
Preventive control program of noise, with the relocation of industrial activities to specific areas of the municipality and the participation of ecological patrol for noise control as a result of the bottle in the street and at shows, as well as creating a network of noise control in the city.
Control of urban noise caused by traffic, the promotion of sustainable mobility, control of motor vehicles and training and education programs.
In addition, the council for Sustainable Development has reminded other council actions since have been made, as the Local Strategy document Sustainable Mobility Cartagena and others where they are working, as the action plans for air pollution and air quality (which is developing the Polytechnic University of Cartagena), water management (developed by the Public Entity Aquagest and Water) and green areas and open spaces (developed by the Department of Parks and Gardens City Council Cartagena), management of beaches and coastal areas (under development by the Instituto Municipal del Litoral) Energy (developed by the Agency for Energy Management in the Region of Murcia (ARGEM) and Natural Environment.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena