The Governing Body of the ALDE has approved projects worth € 3,000,000, for submission to the calls of the SEF in Schools Workshop, Workshop on Employment, Development Agents etc. Do
The various training and employment projects approved are:
Training Workshop 'The Bridge'.
Aimed at training young unemployed under 25 years in the fields of masonry, carpentry, and gardening facilities.
The aforementioned School Workshop has forty-eight students and a total budget of EUR 1,514,246.4, which asks the SEF for the subsidy 1,424,246.4 euros, with the municipal contribution of 90,000 euros which is contained in the budgets for 2009 ADLE.
The project aims to rehabilitate the land inside and outside the building that houses the municipal offices for information old Quarry.
It is located between the streets Carrascalejo, Bridge, Gallows Coria and Quarries.
School Workshop lasts two years.
Employment Workshop 'Nursery The Range'.
Aimed at training in the fields of masonry, plumbing and electricity for long-term unemployed over 25 years.
The aforementioned employment workshop has thirty-two students and a total budget of EUR 737,107.12, of which asks the SEF for the subsidy the amount of 677,107.12 euros, being the municipal contribution of 60,000 euros which is contained in the budgets for 2009 ADLE.
The work involves the expansion of a center for children located in the Industrial Cabezo Beaza.
This expansion involves the construction of two classrooms for children 18 months to 4 years, with toilets and food preparation area, an area for offices and administration, a disabled toilet and a store.
Employment Workshop lasts one year.
Employment Workshop 'Care Unit. "
Led to the formation of long-term unemployed over 25 years, as specialists in health social care for dependents and to present it to the Regional Employment Service and Training in the Region of Murcia.
The aforementioned employment workshop has thirty-two students and a total budget of EUR 697,107.12, of which asks the SEF for the subsidy 677,107.12 euros, being the municipal contribution of 20,000 euros which is contained in ADLE budgets for the year 2009.
The services will involve the student workers provide a range of services in accordance with the plan specialty training in the care of dependent people and social institutions which is reflected in the certificate of proficiency.
Project development will entail one part professional qualification and the other providing a social service to an occupational center for the disabled in the municipality.
Employment Workshop lasts one year.
Development and business revitalization.
The overall project goal is the creation and consolidation of businesses through a Business Advisory Personalized Itinerary achieve a change in attitude towards self-employment and entrepreneurship fostering entrepreneurship.
Second, to support business initiatives with economic feasibility studies, financial and technical arising in a serious and rigorous, and thirdly to provide training for entrepreneurs to provide a guarantee for the future of these start-ups, and finally, be a social relation in the knowledge of the reality of entrepreneurship and in providing solutions.
In short, bring the resources and active policies to promote entrepreneurship, especially those groups with special difficulties in accessing the labor market as women, disabled, immigrants, low-skilled, long-term unemployed and young future graduates facilitating the creation and consolidation of microenterprises in emerging sectors of the social economy and new sources of employment.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena