The network of municipal libraries of Cartagena is located above Murcia and Lorca in terms of high membership and loans made, according to the latest Public Reading Map of the Region of Murcia.
The aforementioned map, published in 2009, manages data related to 2006 and allows to compare different indicators of library networks in the region, and displayed by the Councillor for Culture, Rosario Montero, good situation being experienced by this service our municipality.
Thus, while in 2006 in the libraries of Murcia there were 4,684 new members (1.12% of total population) and in Lorca, 1,191 (1.32% of total population) were recorded in Cartagena 3830 high (1.84% of total population).
The figures also are comparatively good in regard to the number of loans per capita.
While in Murcia were 199,813 loans (0.48 loans per capita) and 38,671 Lorca (0.43 loans per capita), in Cartagena loans totaled 121,411, representing 0.58 loans per capita.
The data for 2007 and 2008, still not comparable with those in the other libraries in the region, contributing in the following balance:
Visitors to the libraries in the Red: 196,631
Loan users: 62,149
Organized activities: 614
Participating in activities: 2,809
Loan per capita: 0.59 documents (DVD include loans and other special materials as well as segments of the population between 10 and 13 years, with loan rates around 20 documents per person per year)
Percentage of users of loans with respect to the population of the catchment areas of our libraries.
86.71% (a total population of 153,000 inhabitants).
Extrapolating to the total population would be placed in 60% (The latest barometer reading habits published by the Federation of Publishers' Guilds of Spain stands at 54% the total Spanish reading. With respect to region the average is around 40%)
Number of loans: 146,473
Number of loans of adult users: 94,558
Number of books or other documents discharged: 13,445
Number of readers discharged in 2008: 3,023
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena