A dozen streets and avenues of the Industrial Cabezo Beaza-those that support higher traffic volumes, are being asafaltadas these days, in the proceedings of the Plan E of the Local Investment Fund.
These are the streets Stockholm, Bern, Vienna, Berlin, Oslo, Budapest, Bucharest, London, Dublin and Belgrade.
The work began on 17 March and is expected to last until March 27.
The project involving the repair of the pavement, badly damaged by the passage of time and intensity and weight of vehicles in transit through the estate, is being implemented by UTE PROMOSA LEVANTE, SL - BUILDINGS AND PAVEMENT Jaen, SA with a budget allocation of EUR 741,079.48.
During the day throughout this action is prohibited parking areas for action and rails are cut alternately, as reported by the Office of Local Police Traffic.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena