The Center for Assistance to Victims of Domestic Violence (CAVI) in Cartagena in 2008 served 418 women, with 262 new users.
Of the total, 54 women were of different nationalities to Spanish: 18 women of Moroccan nationality, 11, Ecuadorian, Bolivian nationality 8, 4 Colombia, Paraguay 3, 2 Brazilian and 8 women from Lithuania, Argentina, Nigeria, Belgium, Sweden , Dominican Republic, Poland and Ukraine.
As highlighted Pilar Barreiro Mayor at the opening of the Workshop on Policing Domestic Violence in the Security Park Cartagena this morning, the number of immigrant women who have attended municipal services has increased compared to other years, which means that our message reaches women in other cultures and countries, and trust in our institutions.
Barreiro has also noted that the City of Cartagena has been a pioneer in implementing the actions necessary to address and prevent violence, with the coordination of all professionals involved in domestic violence from law enforcement to psychologists or lawyers.
Among these actions, it should be emphasized self-help groups, which last year conducted 24 sessions with an average audience of 12 women.
As the average age of women attending the CAVI is 42, the youngest served 15 years and more than 72 years.
For its part, the Minister of Presidency and Public Administration, María Pedro Reverte, said that in this conference involved about 250 local police officers in the region, professionals who are often the first to treat victims of gender violence.
A conference that is open to members of the Security Forces of the State, and National Police and Civil Guard.
The Conference on Policing in Domestic Violence, organized by the School of Local Police in collaboration with the Institute for Women and the City of Cartagena, developed during 24 and 25 February in Cartagena Security Park.
The day's opening was attended by Vicente Magro, a member of the Observatory against Gender Violence in the Supreme Judicial Council and president of the Audiencia Provincial de Alicante.
Magro has highlighted in his speech the importance of local police surveillance and monitoring of restraining orders.
In Spain there are about 160,000 complaints a year, a total of 700,000 women who are expected to be victims of gender violence, which means that only a very small percentage of these potential victims have the restraining order as a result of the complaint.
Magro emphasized that since the hearing was chaired by the measures proposed probation of offenders are carried out by local police, as long as they can go to their homes and to remind the restraining order have effect and the consequences for noncompliance.
Magro addition, for two days, the various speakers will discuss, among other things, resources for prevention and care related to domestic violence, current regulations, the SAF team positions of the National Police and the SIAF ( Full Service Family Care) of the Local Police and immigration, prostitution and trafficking in women.
The conference will conclude with a roundtable participants.
These Sessions will be held on schedule from 9.30 to 13.30 hours and from 10.30 to 20.30.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena