Local Development Agency and Employment has organized for next Feb. 26, at 19:30 pm at the Palace Hall, a Business Development Forum under the title "New opportunities and strengths arising from the proximity talks' .
The 'Business Promotion Forum' is an initiative of the Red PuntoPyme and Development Agency of Murcia Region, in collaboration with various business and social organizations, in order to further encourage entrepreneurship and the promotion of business opportunities.
The Forums are organized from a regional perspective, addressing issues specific to represent a business opportunity in the area where they are held.
In addition the format tries to be as practical as possible, as is always done through the participation of employers in the area, so as to give a practical view and close of topics.
For more information:
Local Development Agency and Employment of the City of Cartagena
Rosa M ª Chamber or Miguel Angel Gutierrez
C / Caridad, 1, Moreno House Bldg.
30202 Cartagena
Tel: 968 500029 / 968523421 Fax: 968 523 706
E-mail: adle@ayto-cartagena.es
Registration through Internet: www.consultorescsa.com / forums
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena