The Youth Council of Cartagena, following the scheduling of your campaign, 'All for One', to mark the 30 anniversary of the Spanish Constitution, has given this morning a talk at the IES 'Carlos III'.
At the same have acted as lecturers Manuel Soler, president of the Youth Council of Cartagena, a member of the Young Entrepreneurs Association, Juan Francisco Rebollo, the head of the Department of Youth UGT Region of Murcia, Eugenia Perez, and Deputy popular, Doctor of Law and Prosecutor and Judge, Manuel Campos, current commissioner of the regional government for the transfer of Justice.
Before hundreds of students present, Manuel Campos made a brief tour of the Spanish constitucionalimo difficult path to reach the 1978 Constitution.
As highlighted the current Constitution is what has made possible the current welfare state that we enjoy and that it is possible to turn because it rests on a democratic state of law Social and mark our Constitution.
For his part, President of Youth Council, Manuel Soler, has lectured on aspects of the Constitution relating to youth participation in public life.
Soler stressed that what Spain is in a few years will depend largely on our individual and collective decisions, but we will be young people who have to cope.
For its part, the young representatives of employers and unions have discussed with young people about the current economic and employment situation they face.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena