The Committee for the Defense of Windlass Hill claims that the Municipal Government Team of the City of Cartagena to devote to the excavation and valorisation of hill area not covered by the project of the Directorate General of Culture, of the money they receive Central Government through the Municipal Investment Fund for public works.
The set of groups and individuals that make up this group remember that the Autonomous Region covers only the excavation of the southern part of the hill, forgetting both the peak of the same environment as the old San Esteban and Moorish streets.
The coordinator stressed that "the City undertook to excavate the entire area of PERI develop it before, but until now has been abandoned to their fate the important site found in the Moorish and has paralyzed the excavations in the rest of the area sought to develop" .
Moreover, both the local and the regional government has repeatedly justified the need to develop two slopes of the hill to meet the cost of the enhancement of the entire site, something that would not be excused if state funds are used .
This situation is compounded by the recognition by the Town Planning Councillor that there is no interest from entrepreneurs to invest in the winch.
Similarly, the coordinator shows that "the comprehensive archaeological excavation of the entire scope of the Pinwheel PERI and its value as an archaeological park, is a well-designed project can meet all the requirements set forth in the notice of Central Government ".
The president of the group, Enrique López, stressed that "now with this crisis, we have seen that the construction is bread today, hunger for tomorrow, as we were warned.
We therefore propose that the excavation of this large field be created direct jobs for now, creating a major focus of tourism and revitalization of the historic center that can provide many stable jobs for the future, both directly and indirectly. "
The Coordinator of the windlass expected to Municipal Government and Central, as well as opposition parties and the rest of society in Cartagena, join this constructive initiative that will recover in a year the Punic and Roman Acropolis Cartagena to enjoy Cartagena and visitors, as well as enhancing the city's image abroad.
"The fact that the winch is still not excavated and is becoming a landfill at some points not only harm the archaeological heritage is deteriorating but also to businesses on the environment and the prestige of the city," added Lopez.
It will be recalled in the Upper and Lower streets Morerías found an entire industrial area and port, including a large well-preserved Roman road, mosaics and stairs carved in rock.
For his part, at the top were two temples and the water tank of the hot springs, among other items of interest.
The proposal would therefore be complentaria the project that is currently running the autonomous region, and would include fencing, archaeological excavation, building, lighting and signage in the area, as well as restoration of the two mills that crown the hill and building gardens in areas that are no archaeological remains.
Source: Coordinadora del Molinete