The Association of Parents of school 'Luis Vives' El Albujón organized, along with the collaboration of the Asociación de Vecinos de Las Lomas del Albujón, educational activities such as crafts, games and toy library in the social center of Las Lomas.
These activities are aimed at children aged 7 to 14 years.
There will be a first group of 7 to 9, with activities taking place on Monday, and a second group of 10 to 14, with activities during the Wednesday.
Both groups have a joint session, type toy library on Thursdays.
The schedule of activities will be from 17.15 to 19.30 hours.
Registration will take place in the school AMPA 'Luis Vives', in The Albujón.
For more information, please visit the web
The start of the workshops is scheduled for when the two age groups formed, and will run until June.
The workshops will be taught by instructors from the Municipal Institute of Social Services City of Cartagena.
Parents do not have to pay any fee or materials, everything you need will take the monitors.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena