Part of the program 'Classroom', Area Agency Guidance for Local Development and Employment (ALDE) promotes the services of "Mobile Classroom" and "Classroom Sets' to guide and inform students, unemployed and active workers in Cartagena and its surroundings on the various work and training pathways to achieve a successful job placement.
The 'Classroom Set' offers orientation courses and workshops that will last between 12 and 15 hours, and developed in the mornings or afternoons depending on the course.
Are aimed at unemployed people, employed workers, students and the general public.
The 'Classroom Set' will start next Monday 24th November with the workshop and Socio-Cultural Orientation.
The remaining courses will be done during the months of December to February next year and will be:
The role of professional counselor
How to find my first job
The personnel selection tests: psychological testing and interviews
Time Management
Workplace Stress: Ways to combat
Motivation and job satisfaction
Emotions in decision making
Customer service and loyalty
Basic occupational risk prevention
How to study: study skills and habits
The motivation for the study, effort and self-esteem
School failure and dropout
In organizing this training program the Local Development Agency and Employment with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education, Training and Employment and the Technical University of Cartagena.
The other information will be available on the website and liaison ADLE.
Registration will be at:
Local Development Agency and Employment
C / Caridad, 1.
Casa Moreno.
30201 Cartagena
Tel: 968 523 451 / 968 500 029
Fax: 968 523 706
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena