Area Youth of the Department of Youth of the City of Cartagena participates as a social organization, international youth exchanges to take place during the months of October and November in different countries.
These exchanges are financed by the Community Programme Youth in Action of the European Commission, and the young participants will have to pay 30% of total travel cost.
The selection of participants will take place until 15 September.
International trade in which you can participate are:
Swap-Houlgate France, 'Festival du Film Européen à Houlgate', from 24 to 29 October.
For young people aged 13 to 15 years, with knowledge of French interest in the subject of cinema.
Exchange in Turkey, Adana, 'Let us Know Each Other', 12 to 19 October.
Aimed at young people between 15 and 25, with minimal knowledge of English and interested in learning about other cultures and make known his.
Exchange in Latvia, Jelgava, 'Imagine', from 14 to 23 November 2008.
Aimed at young people aged between 18 and 25, with minimal knowledge of English and interested in learning about other cultures and make known his.
Those interested in participating in some of these international exchanges, please contact:
Young, Service Area Mobility.
Paseo Alfonso XIII, 51.
968 128864
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena