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Michel Houllebecq, Philippe Claudel, Andrei Makine, Jacques Ancet, Eliett Abécassis among the authors of The Sea Lyrics from Cartagena (16/07/2008)

Like every year, La Mar de Letras, parallel activity within the festival La Mar de Musicas Cartagena, bring a sample of the current literature, the guest country, based on criteria of pluralism, this year France.

In The Sea lyrics, among other authors will present Michel Houllebecq, author among other works of elementanales particles, Philippe Claudel, among other prizes won the prestigious Renaudot, Andrei Makine, of Russian origin but one of the greats of French literature since in 1995 received the Prix Goncourt and Medicis for The Will French, editor and poet André Jacques Schiffrin Ancet well versed in Spanish literature, he is responsible for the introduction in France of Cernuda's poetry, Valente, Aleixandre or Gamoneda.

All of them along with other authors will be present from next Thursday 17 July to 23 in Cartagena on Wednesday in La Mar de Letras.

The festival program will be open questioning guests about an issue that has worried and concerned in France, the supposed decline of cultural hegemony.

The influence of the French language in the world has declined and with it, dropped the influence of his thought.

Why should this fact apparently confirmed by analysts of very different?

Philosophers like Sidi Mahammed Barkat and correspondent of the newspaper El Pais in Paris, Josep María Martí Font, will talk about this issue from their different theoretical positions: feminism, the clinic's work. The thought and the French edition occupy their respective spaces discussed what has been called the French legacy: the importance of May 68, which is 40 years, will be the starting point for Fernández Amador Savater, editor of the archipelago, which has devoted a special issue to issue coordinated by him , anthropology and gender studies, or the philosophical heritage occupy our other guests.

The picture of concentration and editorial issues and a look which reflects our own literature acquired in the neighboring country will issue one of our debates.

The first by two experts in editing: André Schiffrin and Enrique Murillo, now editorial director of the newly created Lynx Books, the second hand of Nestor Ponce, Argentinian writer and teacher living in France.

Poetry also will be starring in The Sea lyrics and this has contributed to the publication of an anthology of contemporary poetry (Camelot), coordinated by Lionel Ray, which will be presented by two of the poets selected: Linda Maria Baros and young Jean Portante.

Beside them, another table with one of the most acclaimed poets of French literature Jacques Ancet.

In an international festival of literature, the translation can not but be present.

The organization of La Mar de Letras considers that the Spanish edition is greatly neglected so substantial part of the texts in another language writers rarely have a single translator to continue their development and their language is made to overturn it faithfully to our own language, which happens precisely in the guest with the writers that are expressed in a language other than French.

The issues surrounding this difficult task will be addressed by two translators of poetry and prose.

We could not miss in our program a tribute to the Oulipo, the workshop led by Marcel Bénabou, Secretary interim final group created by Georges Perec, which French-speaking participants in to the subtleties of the writing under slogan.

Creative games by limiting the word based on concrete proposals, explore its borders to draw from her all her wealth.

Poetry and music come together in a night show facing the sea: Insomnia: Franco-Spanish poetic encounter.

Readings of poems by French and Spanish poets, enlivened by the music of jazz that he composed another poet, Boris Vian, in the soft voice of Catherine Passion.

And from there everything will be talks, French writers interviewed, presented by specialists who know a work that breaks with the participants in our literary encounter.

They represent different approaches to literature that live in the French literary scene, from the more classical novel with touches of the genre that police, until Michel Houllebecq innovations, with particular attention to the narrative that comes from immigration, written by those who can contribute to the French, from their native languages, new thematic and formal records, such as Mohamed Razan or Andrei Makine.

Return to our workshops, where readers are in a privileged way with the author or the author of the novel they have read, in this case Clandestino of Eliett Abécassis or Grey Souls by Philippe Claudel.

And finally, the novel The Sea Award letter, which was granted to Jean Rolin with his travel book blew the sleeve is published by Ediciones El Cobre.

A jury of Rodrigo Fresán, Mathias Enard, Agnes Agboton, Francisco Torres Monreal, Alberto Ruy-Sanchez and Miriam Tey have selected the winning novel VI.

Thursday 17 July

18h. Is French culture in decline?

Participants: Sidi Mohammed Barkat, Joseph Maria Martí Font.

Coordinator: Francisco Jaramillo

19h 15 ': The French Legacy: Thinking

Participants: Jean-Claude Conesa, Amador Fernández-Savater

Coordinator: Francisco Jaramillo

20h 45 ': The issue in France and Spain

Participants: André Schiffrin, Enrique Murillo, Nestor Ponce

Coordinates: Octavio Martí.

Friday 18 July

12 pm: Press conference: presentation of the book Diociocho French poets.

Anthology of contemporary French poetry.

Presented by: Javier Marin, editor and Lionel Ray, anthologist.

18h: Reading poems: Linda Maria Baros and Jean Portante

Coordinates: Lionel Ray.

19h15 ': The pitfalls of translation, poetry and prose

Speakers: Francisco Torres Monreal, Manuel Serrat Crespo.

20 h, 45 ': contemporary French poetry.

Involved: Jacques Ancet.

Coordinator: Ignacio Elguero

Saturday 19 July

19h: Workshop OULIPO by Marcel Bénabou

Coordinator: Anne Toulouse.

Collaborators: School of Languages in Cartagena, Murcia School of Languages, Language Service of the UPC, Alliance Française de Cartagena, Bag Languages (BI).

Location: Casino.

Sunday 20 July


Insomnia: Franco-Spanish poetry encounter: Linda Maria Baros, Jean Portante, Lionel Ray, Ignacio Elguero, Castilla y Jeannine Hector Alcaraz.

Coordinator: Juan de Dios García

Music: Passion Catherine (vocals) and Cy Williams (guitar), jazz-session on issues of Boris Vian.

Pub Library, Paseo del port.

Monday 21 July

18h: Agnes Agboton talks with Delphine Le Vigan

19h: Enrique Murillo speaks with Marcel Bénabou

20h: Mathias Enard talks to Anne F.


21h: Antonio Muńoz Ballesta talks with Michel Houellebecq

Tuesday 22 July

19h: Manuel Serrat Crespo talks with Mohamed Razan

20h. Mathias Enard talks with Philippe Claudel

21h: Lucia Etxebarria talks to Eliett Abécassis

Wednesday 23 July

12 h.

Press conference: Presentation of the VI Award The Sea lyrics, novel diversity.

Presenter: Rodrigo Fresán and Jean Rolin.

19h: Tertulia-La Universidad Popular literary sea of letters.

With Eliette Abecassis, about his novel Clandestino.

Coordinates: Lola Fernández.

Interviente: Eugenia Rico

Location: Casino

20 h: Mercedes Monmany talks with Andrei Makine

21h: José María Pozuelo Yvancos talks with Jean Rolin, VI Prize winner The Sea lyrics, 2008, for his novel burst sleeve.


VI Delivery Award The sea of letters.


All events, except when specified, will be held at the Cultural Center of CajaMurcia, Palacio Pedroza, with simultaneous translation.

The program is part of the summer courses at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena with a total of 2 credits.

The events that take place at the Casino will have consecutive translation.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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