The Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport has approved the amendment of General Plan Municipal Zoning Cartagena on the Dock of tailings, which amendment has the Territorial Impact Assessment and with the approval of the Directorate General of Coasts Ministry of Environment.
The amendment made by the City of Cartagena, which has the approval of the Directorate General of Urbanism, responds to the significant growth of maritime traffic experienced in recent years and demand from companies for new lines of docking and a larger area for logistics activities, which led to the Port Authority of Cartagena to establish a project to expand the dock of tailings, which required an amendment to the Plan.
With this, it will enable the harbor is operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Also be able to build new docks for loading and unloading operations and new facilities for the physical proximity of the actors involved in it, as rail terminals, facilities for trucks, warehouses, space for businesses and government agencies.
According to the director general of Urbanism, Antonio Navarro, "the plan modification does not affect the classification of soils or permitted uses, but to the terms of the volume of construction, and, therefore, meets the intended uses in the General Urban Plan of Cartagena. "
Thus, the modification involves the drafting of two new sections relating to the build.
In particular, extending the floor area limit by large homogeneous functional areas of the service area defined in the Special Plan No. 3, admitting within each area a total buildable area of 0.8 m2/m2.
Furthermore, with respect to the occupation on the ground, you can make the occupation among the various functional areas set out in the Special Plan 3 of tailings, so that the overall computation of the area does not exceed 50 percent occupancy.
According to Navarro, "the specific modification by the municipality of Cartagena optimizes the availability of space and allows you to maximize the development of this important area of economic development."
Source: CARM