The IES Carlos III will be held for the second consecutive year, the Fair Trade Week, an activity promoted by the students and faculty Trade Cycle Intermediate.
The aim of this week is to make sales for a few days the students of commerce, trying to offer professional experience, while the entire educational community of the Centre will cooperate in training, in addition to transmit and share educational values of solidarity, justice and respect for the environment.
The products sold in the classroom trade workshop of this Institute are collaborating NGOs, and the money will go to pay a fair wage and decent people of impoverished countries to help eradicate child labor exploitation, women and men, to promote sustainable development and preserve natural and cultural diversity of our planet.
The shop of this institute, housed on the second floor, will open its doors to the public for Fair Trade week 26 to May 30, dedicating the first day to the unveiling and presentation to the center and remaining open during breaks throughout the weeks for purchases (10:00 to 10:15 and 12:00 to 12:15).
The store will also open late on Tuesday 27 to engage the afternoon shift and those who are curious about an alternative form of consumption.
In this place you can buy products from several countries with the guarantee that they are made by hand and workers, in most cases organized into cooperatives, have not been exploited.
Also offered food products and natural cosmetics, which in some cases products 'bio'.
Being products that require special conservation will only be offered on request, as no refunds.
The collection last year during Fair Trade Week was over 1,400 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena