The jury, which met this morning under the chairmanship of Councillor for Finance, Isabel García, has determined awarding the contract for renovation of the old Naval Museum Cartagena Construcciones María García Martínez, SL environment, totaling of 88,030 euros, the initial bid value of 138,849 euros, so the savings to the municipal coffers after the contest is a 36.60 percent on the other hand, the technical committee has studied the statements of various contracts.: service kitchen and dining municipal nursery schools;
Service maintenance of public roads 201 6;
home help service in the municipality of Cartagena;
Service respite at home in the municipality of Cartagena, and tele-assistance service home in the town of Cartagena.Todos these contracts contained therein inclusion of social clauses, an initiative approved by the Governing Board on 29 January proposal of the Councillor for Finance, Isabel García.
Said regulating social clauses that 3 percent of the auction price should be used to employ people who are in any of the following situations: physical, mental or sensory equal to or greater than 33% decrease or mental illness to allow its integration into the labor market;
recipients of the minimum integration income; long-term unemployed over 45 and people who can not qualify for the minimum integration income because they do not meet the requirements of the Law / 1997.Por Therefore, the future award of contracts referred to allow obtain employment to five people at risk of exclusion.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena