The spokesman for Citizens Cartagena, Manuel Padin, said "Citizens always felt very inspired by the kind of politics that developed Suarez, for his centrist, democratic, conciliatory nature, always seeking the common good. Thanks to him, all political parties left aside their differences towards achieving democracy we enjoy today. "
Citizens proposes Cartagena Plaza Almirante Bastarreche Square is renamed President Adolfo Suarez, in honor of the first president of the Spanish democracy.
Since the Special Commission to adapt the street and other elements of the city to the Law of Historical Memory was created last July 30, 2015, it has opened a process to remove some names of streets and squares in the city of Cartagena , including the Plaza Almirante Bastarreche.
Taking advantage of the circumstance, raised to Citizens Cartagena City Council, through a motion, a proposal for the square pass President Adolfo Suarez renamed in honor of the first president of the Spanish democracy.
On March 23 it will be two years after the death of President Adolfo Suarez, first president of Spanish democracy and one of the most FIMES advocates the values ​​of dialogue and national reconciliation.
The spokesman for Citizens Cartagena, Manuel Padin, states that "Citizens always felt very inspired, since its foundation, the way of doing politics that developed Suarez, for his centrist, democratic, conciliatory nature, always seeking the common good . Thanks to him, all political parties left aside their differences towards achieving democracy we enjoy today. Undoubtedly, the people of Adolfo Suarez, as a key figure in the country's national construction and the building of the existing rights and freedoms. Therefore, from Citizens believe that Cartagena has to raise its appreciation to the highest representative body of the City, as is the full ".
Since his death two years ago, many municipalities in Spain are nominating its streets, squares and other public spaces in the name of Adolfo Suarez.
Without going any further, several close to our municios have already done: orre Pacheco has a "Avenida Adolfo Suarez" Alhama de Murcia has the 'Pabellon Municipal Adolfo Suarez', and San Pedro del Pinatar the 'Comprehensive Security Center President Adolfo Suarez '.
Moreover, Sewell has a square with the name of 'Adolfo Suarez' and June 27, 2014, the full City Council of Javea (in Valencia) unanimously approved renaming the Plaza Almirante Bastarreche, by of 'Square Adolfo Suarez'.
Recently, on 26 January, the municipal council of Lorca agreed to nominate an avenue of the city with the name of President Adolfo Suarez.
Consequently, we think that Cartagena can not stay out of these awards, so citizens Cartagena registered a motion in this regard to be discussed and adopted at the next plenary session.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena