The Local Government of Cartagena, held this morning, under the chairmanship of Mayor, Jose Lopez, has approved the proposal of Councillor for Hacienda Isabel Garcia, for the inclusion of social clauses in the municipal contrataos to facilitate job placement people with disabilities at risk of exclusion and unemployed long duración.García has said his department had been working for some time on this initiative to the revised text of the current Law on Public Sector Contracts, in the sense of reservations percentage of the execution of works contracts and services by the council and their companies or autonomous body.
This agreement states that companies that are awarded for works or services in an amount greater than 500,000 euros, should allocate at least 3 percent of the auction price to employ people with disabilities to equal or exceed 33 percent or mental illness that allow their employment;
and persons covered by minimum insertion income or they can not access it;
and long-term unemployed. The councilor has welcomed this measure, which will force the concession and awarded to candidates from these characteristics, apart from those already have in their squad. AID FOR REACTIVACIÃ "N Econa" MICA HULL A proposal by the Deputy Mayor, Ana Belen Castejon, the Governing Board has also approved the call to develop the procedure for awarding grants for investments within the Plan to Support Investment in the Historic Area (PAICA) by the procedure of concurrence pública.Según noted, Castejon, for it about 200 thousand euros will be allocated in 2016 and 2017. The aid, which may reach 40 percent of the civil work, with a maximum of 10,000 euros, will be aimed at promoting the opening and reform of local and business streets of Casco Histórico.La Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economic Activity area highlighted in this edition has expanded the number of streets incorporating l Air, Escorial, Square Seville, Carmen, Serreta and Charity. Once published the rules and open the call, the grant will aid in succession, as they arise and evaluated by a committee técnica.Precisamente, in aid of this plan from an earlier annuity, the Board Government has awarded this morning a 10 thousand euros to open a coffee bar in the San Fernando street, whose works of adaptation imported 25,000 euros.La Governing Board has also approved this morning the incorporation into municipal budgets European aid program within Disarmed Cities, Sustainable Management of Military Bazas in urban areas, where the city of Cartagena with other European cities seek ways to use and enhancement of the former military installations, among which are coast batteries and forts. 132 COURSES FOR MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES 132 courses with 237 training activities comprise the Training Plan of Municipal Employees of the City of Cartagena in 2016, which has this morning approved the Local Government a proposal Councillor of Greater Interior and Public Safety, Francisco Azna A.The plan, agreed with union representatives, has a budget of over 67 billion euros and will cover a total 2,025 hours of teaching. Its objectives include updating knowledge and updating of municipal employees, regulatory, technical and emerging issues, the collaboration tecnologías.También School of Education and Innovation of the Public Administration (EFIAP), with which 16 training activities, which shall be made ​​a contribution 15,000 euros from the regional administration, new this year, six courses for Firefighting Service out of the day and hourly compensation is made, distinguishing between mandatory training and internship. THE CITY recover Contentpolis The plot PLOT in which it would build the Center for Digital Knowledge and Audiovisual Creativity in the industrial area of Los Camachos, it will be local.
The Board of Governors approved this morning the reversal of the municipal plot of 7 thousand square meters which yielded to the Autonomous Region in 2010 for the construction of the so-called City of Digital Content, Contentpolis, paralyzed in a year.The Board of Governors It has also approved the proposal of the mayor, the updating of technical criteria for the assessment of the value of sale of certain municipal urban land use in units of action, which we want to adapt to actual market prices.
These criteria apply to the entire municipality, except in the historic old town and within aparatado Ensanche.También Planning, has noticed the report of the General Directorate on the actions processed between December 16 and January 16 .
In total 206 resolutions and 298 operating licenses, statements and communications between responsible previas.Todo it has posted budget execution of works amounting to 4.2 million euros;
and revenue to city coffers of about 91,000 euros in taxes and 167 thousand euros of tax buildings include 38 performances construction, adaptation, reform or rehabilitation of housing;. 85 commercial and leisure activities, restoration . and services SUBSIDIES paragraph has approved grants of $ 3,000 to the Federation of Carnival Cartagena, intended to cover the costs of R Drag Queen Gala held on Monday;
and 2,500 euros for Pasodobles XXIV International Competition organized by the Neighborhood Association of Pozo Estrecho.También have approved various aid associations of parents of students (AMPAS) to schools for the implementation of activities under the Schools program of Parents;
like the call for grants to women's groups and associations nonprofit the municipality of Cartagena 2016, through competitive bidding, amounting to 65,000 euros.
LIMITS disposal all "N EXPENSES in neighborhood Under the agreement reached yesterday by the Plenary of the Municipal Corporation, the Board of Governors approved this morning changing the drawdown limits spending by presidents and plenary sessions of Joints Vecinales.Estos are lowered, from the presidents of 3000-1000 euros, and full of meetings, from 6,000 to 3,000 euros .The Board of Governors also approved the formalization of the free transfer of Social Local Albujón the City by the Cooperative for Social Housing La Torre-Albujón pending since 2009. For this, the City will assume the cost of arrangement of those deeds or registration registral.Por latest and among other issues, has approved Sports , among other things, the agreement with the Club Deportivo Los Urrutias and the Neighborhood Association for the use of municipal facilities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena