The City of Cartagena has undergone general information for 30 days, the resolution adopted by the plenary of the Municipal Corporation held on December 30, 2015, whereby a series of measures were established for the implementation of Law 52 / 2007 of December 26, Historical Memory.
The measures, which include the removal of monuments, busts and plaques extolling the winning side of the Civil War and the dictatorship that was installed, and the change of name of several streets had been proposed by a commission of experts appointed by the different local groups.
The very full agreement provided for the opening of a process of general information, through the website of the City so that residents, institutions and organizations concerned, may within a month, submit comments and suggestions regarding the withdrawal and change of name of the streets.
The allegations and suggestions may be submitted by letter in the register of the City or any of the Municipal Office of Information and Administrative Processing .
They may also be submitted electronically through the website of the City .
In particular, the measures taken by the full agreement are:
Withdrawal of busts and monuments.
Almirante Bastarreche (City) General López Pinto (City) IV Navarra (City) Yugo and Arrows (La Aljorra)
Removing following plates:
A fallen (La Aljorra) Property San Fulgencio (Town) Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera (La Aljorra) to discipline.
Franco (Artillery Museum)
Change of name of streets and plazas following:
Pc. Almirante Bastarreche (city) Pc.
General López Pinto (city) Belchite Street (Barrio de Peral) Brunete Street (Barrio de Peral) Street Jose Antonio (Los Barreros) Calle General Muñoz Grandes (San Anton) General Mola Street (Los Belones) Street García Maroto (Los Belones) Street General Martin Alonso (Santa Ana) Calle General Millan Astray (Santa Ana) Calle General Orgaz (Santa Ana) General Saliquet Street (Santa Ana) Calle General Serrano Montaner (Santa Ana) Calle General Solchaga (Santa Ana) Calle General Varela (Santa Ana ) Calle General Alonso Vega (Santa Ana) General Cabanellas Street (Albujón) Street General Davila (Albujón) Street General Fanjul (Albujón) Calle General Moscardo (Albujón) Calle Capitán Cortés (Albujón) Street Capitan Haya (Albujón ) Street Memorial (Albujón) Home Street Producer (Llano del Beal) Street Jose Antonio (Llano del Beal) Calle Francisco Bernal (La Aljorra) Avda.
Generalissimo (La Puebla) Avda.
Jose Antonio (La Puebla)
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena