Citizens spokesman Cartagena, Manuel Padin, attacked the Minister of Development, Francisco Barnabas, and against the parliamentary group, wanting to claim responsibility project start ZAL Cartagena where development has stalled for eight years, voting against ZAL in the city of Cartagena and the Regional Assembly
Citizens spokesman Cartagena, Manuel Padin, has lashed out today against the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructures, Francisco Barnabas, and against PP deputy Juan Guillamón, after hearing statements today in claiming that "the study of the ZAL be made possible by an amendment to the PP. "
According to the spokesman of Citizens Cartagena, "informational poisoning the regional government knows no bounds, it is ridiculous that now the PP wants to sell the beginning of the project area of ​​logistics activities in Los Camachos is owed to them, when they have paralyzed this project for years, when they have consistently voted against this project, not only in Cartagena town meetings, but in the Regional Assembly itself. "
Only when they have realized that, with or without them, the partial amendment of Citizens for ZAL Cartagena going to be approved, is when the parliamentary group has scrawled at the last moment an impromptu amendment to save face before the public .
Orange spokesman training in Cartagena, he says, "tired of the lies of Mr. Barnabas and company. The Popular Party has never intended to bring ZAL Cartagena, his parliamentary group voted against the amendment last Wednesday of Citizens a game destined 600,000 euros to the project: it has made itself the Municipal Group PP in Cartagena, who also voted against a motion to defend this project in the city of Cartagena. "
The PP has always justified this position against the ZAL for linking future construction project Gorguel Dock, "an excuse for not starting our ZAL, for reasons that escape us," said Manuel Padin.
Cartagena citizens want to remember today the statements of April 9, 2015 the Board of Public Works to the media. "No work shall not be initiated until there is a certainty of the building of new container port If Gorguel the terminal fails to materialize, the region necesitara' other actuacio'n, not a ZAL. If there is no port in the Gorguel, habra' to see new needs, if the ZAL is located somewhere other than the Poli' Los Camachos gon '
Also recalled the unfair criticism, disseminated through the media the November 26, 2015, Francisco Barnabas poured against the business sector in Cartagena in his relationship with the LAZ: "In Cartagena, although they've been saying for months, there is not a company that is committed to it (to provide capital to the ZAL). Only shippers who work at the port have expressed interest, provided they succeed the dock container freight The Gorguel ".
Claims that provoked the indignation of Cartagena entrepreneurs who did not hesitate to deny them the next day.
In short, the regional government, through its Minister of Public Works and Infrastructures, Francisco Bernabé and its Parliamentary Group in the Regional Assembly, has always paralyzed the project of the ZAL subject to, turn the container port project Gorguel .
The Municipal Group PP in Cartagena City Council has voted against a motion that sought to promote the creation of this logistics zone in the area of ​​Los Camachos, and now, after submitting a motion derisory and improvised want to appear before the public as guarantors of the project that begins today, "is terrifying check how far the PP of the Community to confuse the population."
The leader of Citizens in Cartagena, Manuel Padin, believes that "it is precisely this despicable form of politics, which has plunged the PP in the general elections and municipal".
For its part, the regional deputy Citizens, Luis Fernandez, said he was "very proud that thanks to the initiative of Citizens, has approved an amendment to the regional budgets, with the support of other parliamentary groups, which has made possible LAZ see the light this year, proud to see the possibility of creating more than 1,000 direct jobs and another 1,000 indirect jobs, a historical claim of Cartagena ".
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena