On the afternoon of Tuesday began the series of contacts with the municipality responsible for the municipal neighborhood associations, in order to work together in improving the infrastructure of the municipality giving voice to neighbors
The mayor, Jose Lopez, and Deputy Mayor, Ana Belen Castejon, chaired Tuesday the start of the series of contacts and meetings periodically to keep the City Council with the heads of municipal neighborhood councils.
This first meeting was held at the Palace Hall and also attended by Councilman Decentralization, Juan Pedro Torralba, and other members of the government team.
Working together, transparency and participation were the terms coined by Torralba to refer to what must be the municipal administration in districts and councils: we have started making contact with the presidents and vice presidents of neighborhood associations, we have seen the budget allocated for the year 2016 and we discussed how we want to work in a participatory manner and with the cooperation of social groups of each population.
According to the mayor emphasized Decentralization, one of the initiatives that were put on the table is to unify planning the work on improving infrastructure, such as paving, lighting and street furniture, so you can get contracts together and thus reduce costs.
The meeting was also attended by municipal technicians to explain to neighborhood responsible for administrative matters such as invoice processing, and always under the premise of transparency, as stressed Juan Pedro Torralba, to print seriousness to the work of service to citizens prioritizing the needs of each area and giving voice to the neighbors.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena