The Municipal People's Party has announced this morning its vote against the draft budget presented by the government because it reduces the measures against unemployment, economic recovery and forget punishes tourism.
"The unemployment should be the number one goal of the City, but Lopez and Castejon have forgotten the strike at the first opportunity they have had. They have fallen 20 percent spending on employment policies and have refused to extend benefits the creation of jobs. Their first budgets are not, even remotely, the need Cartagena, "said Diego Ortega, popular deputy spokesman.
Ortega recalled that the Employment Agency just lost hundreds of thousands of euros to train unemployed for mismanagement and the government has been unable to remedy the error by transferring more municipal funds.
"If the government had done their homework, the employment agency would have around a million more than last year, but instead of a million more have half a million less to fight against unemployment and that has no defense."
The spokesman said that the Government could have corrected his mistake in the budget, "they could have, but did not want to. They preferred to spend forces to make excuses and blame others instead of using that time to find solutions and expand the money to training".
In addition, Diego Ortega said that "in the Commission have criticized the government's total lack of involvement against, once again, of a specific promise made by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor."
Without ideas
Ortega claims that Lopez and Castejon have refused to extend policies to support investment for employment.
The budget includes no new initiative and listed only for economic activation of the tax benefits that the Popular Party established in the last legislature.
"You can make the budget you need Cartagena limited copying of the previous legislature. We had not done. We have new ideas for the new legislature, many have set out in full and all she has rejected the government. It's amazing to reject our ideas and copy the old and also the bad copy. "
The spokesman said that "the drought of ideas is equally alarming in the rest of the budget. They have simply changed the names of the departments and taking the pencil to spend some money and other items to make many tough cuts to justify" .
Among the cuts, popular as reducing funds for tourism events Cartagena, in another action against employment and economic recovery.
Falsehoods in taxes and expenses
The spokesman pointed out that the fall in the expenses of which claims the new government does not respond to a saving, but actually come from the downward revision of the contracts that have been produced automatically by lower CPI .
"They have not downloaded the promised spending, nor have lowered taxes they promised. Only in urban IBI there are half a million more taxes where Lopez promised 8 million less. What he promised six months ago and now want to forget."
Ortega explained that "permanent critique of the state of the municipal coffers is not an excuse to cover your property tax scam. They promised an impossible descent and now hide behind a debt that is actually lower than expected and is by below average in the municipalities of our size. "
Doubts staff
The popular representative in the Commission has asked the government accurate data on the economies generated by retirements and projected expenditures by high.
"The government still refuses to tell us how much they cost to Cartagena all coordinators and directors who have been nominating and it is important to know how the budget assumes"
Source: PP Cartagena