Professor of Plant Production at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) Paul Bielza be the president of the Spanish Society of Applied Entomology (SEEA) over the next four years.
The election took place at the General Assembly of the Company, during the Ninth National Congress of Applied Entomology held in Valencia.
Entomology is the science that studies the insects and mites, and applied entomology focuses on insects and mites that interact with man, from pests that damage crops and forests, to mosquitoes and other insects that transmit human diseases like malaria and dengue.
Among the challenges it posed Bielza highlights continue the revitalization of the Company, through its website and newsletter SEEA conferences.
It also wants to increase the transfer to the general public knowledge of great scientific value generated by research partners, why we are going to organize days of transfer and innovation in different parts of Spain with theme "of interest," according to Cultures of each area.
"For technicians and farmers in each area are aware of the latest scientific pest control in crops of progress," he says.
Moreover, among the highlights Bielza plans to collaborate with other scientific societies in countries like Europe and America.
For him, "it is an honor" to have the confidence of researchers working in the same field to lead the SEEA for the next four years.
Paul Bielza is Doctor Agronomist by the Polytechnical University of Madrid.
He was Director of the Department of Plant Production at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena between 2003 and 2006, and Director of the School of Agricultural Engineering UPCT 2006 to 2010. He is also Principal Investigator of the Group R & D " Crop Protection "since January 2000, which in 2005 won the award" Isaac Peral y Caballero ".
Teaches in subjects related to crop protection in Bachelor and Master UPCT and Joint Masters in Plant Health imparting UPCT together with the Polytechnic University of Valencia, University Miguel Hernandez, and the University of Almería.
He is the principal investigator of several projects of the National Research Plan (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and Seneca (Agency for Science and Technology in the Region of Murcia) Foundation, and several multinationals such as Bayer, BASF, DuPont Dow and Syngenta, among others.
As a researcher he has made several stays at the Department of Entomology at the University of California - Davis (USA), Department of Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Bath (UK), and Plant & Invertebrate Ecology Department of Rothamsted Research ( United Kingdom).
He has directed seven doctoral theses, and currently runs seven others.
The Spanish Society of Applied Entomology (SEEA) ( is a scientific nonprofit corporation founded in 1985 to promote, facilitate, to unite and disseminate the research and development in all branches of the Applied Entomology from agricultural and forest entomology to veterinary medical.
Source: UPCT