The multinational manufacturer of generators and systems for power generation HIMOINSA, located in San Javier, has signed an agreement with the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) to start already this year a program of training and employment for which they are hired each year four students from the School of Industrial Engineering over the next five years.
HIMOINSA selected students in their final years of industrial qualifications UPCT and gradually formed by a first year of work experience, an intensive English course during the summer months and an employment contract for a minimum period of five years to develop both in the region of Murcia and abroad.
During the first two years of the contract UPCT students continue their internal training through the different departments HIMOINSA headquarters in San Javier, and from the third year may be carried over to the factories that the company has in France, the United States, Argentina, Brazil, India and China or the subsidiaries of Portugal, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Dominican Republic, Panama, Argentina, Angola, UAE and Singapore.
An itinerary to learn more about the company similar to that already followed the alumni of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena Celso Sanchez, who is working in the US.
UU., And Juan Antonio Ros and Luis Moya, currently employed in San Javier.
"The training process is very progressive, everything becomes easy," says Ros, industrial engineer of 26, who made the practices and the final project in the company, where he became nothing more titrated template.
And yet unfinished race is employed Moya, 24 and Moto UPCT team member.
"The company values ​​we have had much contact with the real world of engineering studies beyond" he says.
"Students of the Polytechnic of Cartagena are used to working in teams and make decisions to solve problems," says Manuel Sánchez Bada, Director of Engineering.
For the first year of the program, the company has completed and looking for two students in Mechanical Engineering degree and two other students of the degree in Electrical Engineering.
In future courses profile of students may vary.
Excellent preparation
The agreement between HIMOINSA and UPCT was signed by Francisco Gracia, CEO of the company, and Jose Antonio Franco, rector of the Polytechnic.
They also attended the signing Manuel Sánchez Bada, Director of Engineering;
Marta Garrido, Director of Human Resources;
Francisco Martinez, Vice Chancellor for Student;
Antonio Guillamón, director of the School of Industrial and Patricio Franco, Deputy Director of Institutional Relations and Company.
"The commitment made by students HIMOINSA UPCT demonstrates our satisfaction with the excellent level of preparation in Industrial Engineering.
We are an international company and our engine is engineering, so we encourage the incorporation of trained professionals and bearers of knowledge, "noted Francisco Gracia, CEO of the company.
"Our students are among the best trained in the world, as evidenced by our double degree agreement with Stuttgart, which has no other Spanish university," said Antonio Guillamón, director of the School of Industrial.
"HIMOINSA is an important company for the economy of our region and across our country, as a company that has chosen to expand internationally with products and services of high technological level and with whom we have collaborated for years, through our research groups and practical work by our students, "concluded Jose Antonio Franco, rector of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.
Source: UPCT