After the new appeal to the Regional Blood Donation Center has made Cartagena to come to donate blood to the Hospital del Rosell, spokesman for Citizens Cartagena, Manuel Padin, has decided today to go to the third floor of the outpatient building (former outpatient) of this hospital, where the point is permanent, to give blood, and to turn, appealed to the population.
The Municipal Group wants to encourage the whole population to donate blood Cartagena.
Cartagena Citizens spokesman said that "we must continue raising public awareness and loyalty among younger, blood can not be bought, depends solely on the sensitivity of all of us, it is vital that we do for the activity hospital develop quite normally. "
Manuel Padin explained "just a gesture, lasting more than ten minutes can save lives, not a single reasonable for a healthy person, a citizen with the slightest sense of responsibility, why not go to donate, especially to the urgent appeals. "
Different responsible Blood Donation Center we have explained that in just ten months have consumed the same amount of blood at the Santa Lucia Hospital throughout 2014. Despite this increase in consumption, the number of donations has decreased ( they have not been able to explain the reasons), and now the reserves are "minimal low".
Cartagena citizens also want to remember that next November 26, from 9: 30h, in the Regional Assembly, the Regional Blood Donation Center will install a mobile computer for the Cartagena to donate blood.
On November 27, a mobile unit will go to the facilities of Sabic in La Aljorra, and November 30 in the valley and in San José Obrero.
The only requirements to become a donor is between 18 and 65, weigh over 50 kilos, and be in good health.
Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena