Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Employment, Ana Belen Castejon, will visit students Employment Healthy program on Friday October 30 at the Municipal Hall of St. Lucia.
Healthy Employment program is managed by the ALDE, and students have been at some point, or are patients of the Rehabilitation Unit of Mental Health of Cartagena.
In addition, the Employment Healthy program supports NGOs working at the local level for the employment of people with Mint condition l, collaborating on the development of performances of pre-service training.
The visit is the Urban Maintenance Workshop, which bricklaying, painting, plumbing, electricity and maintenance is performed at the Sports Pavilion of Santa Lucia.
So far there have been maintenance in sports halls Marfagones Mills, Llano del Beal, Los Dolores, Quarries, El Algar, Quarries, four hundred, running track, Carthagonova Stadium, Track Fronton Playa Honda.
Students receive a grant of ten euros a day, of attending the workshop.
The program Healthy Employment ADLE expected to improve opportunities for social integration of people with mental illness, by performing pre-employment workshops and other activities that encourage autonomy, independence and social integration of this group.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena