Members of the Socialist Group, Antonio Guillamón and Choni Ludeña, by the Councillor for Education of the City of Cartagena, David Martinez, held a meeting this week with the AMPA IES Mediterranean.
Parents of the Cartagena center have moved them has serious deficiencies that public school education.
"We were talking about an educational reference center, with an excellent team who are proven to be an example of dedication, despite the abuse to which it subjects the Ministry of Education," they said.
The shortcomings range from the basics, such as lack of chairs and desks, to a clamorous deficit of support personnel, cleaning and other concierge.
Moreover, the course of administrative FP taught in this center lacks computerized workstations for training as ECD Order / 1030/2014 of 11 June.
This course has started the cycle of FP taught Higher Grade Communicative Mediation deafblind people, so it is necessary to provide it with the appropriate tools and materials to impart optimally, as stipulated in the Order ECD / 1542/2015 of 21 of July.
Among other irregularities reported by parents should include existing classrooms without information technology (without computer support teachers in class), representing a clear setback, and there are classrooms where WIFI signal fails.
The PTA has taken these complaints to the Ministry no response.
Therefore, they are gathering support from groups in the area, because they are not resolved intend to begin mobilization.