They are addressed to local police in the Autonomous Community of Murcia |
The School of Education and Innovation of the Public Administration (EFIAP) in collaboration with the ESPAC and Training Plan within the EFIAP, organized the Regulations Update Seminar in Criminal Matters and Public Safety.
Main changes and implications for policing.
The conference will be held today from 20, 21 and October 22 in the auditorium of the ESPAC, and are directed to the local police.
On 31 March was published in the BOE the r EFORM the Penal Code and the new Law on Protection of Public Security. This is the last step before the entry into force of the new Penal Code, including revisable permanent prison specific offenses to combat Jihadist terrorism, and the Public Safety Act.
Both rules came into force on July 1.
Reform of the Penal Code introduces important new features such as the reversible permanent prison, new offenses such as illegal party funding.
Failures of its articles as such, ie are replaced by minor offenses or administrative sanctions, including the Public Safety Act also disappear.
Other aspects included in this reform are the conditions under which it will proceed with r egistros body, identification and documentation. It also sanctions on behaviors, without being crimes threaten public safety, and the creation of the Central Registry of Offenders against Public Safety.
The cycle will start analyzing the contents of both standards (LO LO 1/2015 and 4/2015), addressing practical concerns and questions raised by its application in policing since its entry into force.
The aim of this conference are, among others, meet new legislation in criminal and protection of citizen security matters, analyzing their implications for law enforcement and government action, and analyze the experience since its entry into force, addressing doubts and practical issues that arise.
Speakers at this conference will be from the judicial, tax and police personnel areas.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena