The location of the Decumanus Maximus, a possible ninfeo and Punic remains of a house, they are among the findings of the second survey campaign that iniciarons few months ago and have visited this afternoon the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, along with Councilman Archaeological Heritage
Archaeological excavations of the Plaza de la Merced move with great results.
Despite being at a preliminary stage, archaeologists have been able to distinguish the location of the Decumanus Maximus, driveway entrance to the city, a possible ninfeo of monumental character and under it, the remains of a Punic house.
The mayor, Jose Lopez, Deputy Mayor, Ana Belen Castejon, and the Councillor of Greater Archaeological Heritage, Ricardo Segado, visited the excavations to determine its state.
Archaeologist Luis Garcia Blanquez, explained the preliminary findings found in this second season, as the Punic House, according to the main assumptions that show the signs of time of the Roman conquest of the city, at the hands of the troops of Scipio.
Among the main surprises found, according to the archaeologist, explained that along the left margin of the road is located a porch. In addition, in the southern part of the excavation is located a possible monumental fountain, and we believe that between one side and another there was a public space or portico area.
The source had sculptural representations as the nymph, water representation par excellence, has continued transmitting the archaeologist, who was keen to stress that they are hypotheses as we are still working on the confirmation of the existence of a square.
The location of the sources is usually provided in large venues and can be placed along the porch to the road.
And we can confirm when we dig in the intermediate zone, added Luis Garcia.
Regarding the dates on which these findings are located, the archaeologist noted that although we can not confirm yet, we could be talking about a road that is located in the Augustan age, ie the change of era.
Other elements such as ninfeo and the large pool of water may have an earlier chronology, according to the archaeologist could be placed at the end of the Republic, 50 years BC or at least in the first hundred years before Christ.
Regarding the Punic House, and located in the previous season, the archaeologist has passed we are working on it, four meters deep from the street and confirmed its existence and development in amplitude.
Furthermore, according to the archaeologist, it is of great extent, domestic type where a possible kitchen and a possible store is located.
The house has a very solid construction with stone base.
We have also discovered new amphorae, luxury tableware, from the Carthaginian era.
Luis García stressed that we are still only beginning and it promises much.
The archaeologist has highlighted the importance of these Punic remains because they provide new data. Although there are other places in Cartagena, here are scarce and the Punic level is kept in very good condition.
According to the archaeologist, Luis Garcia, it seems that when Scipio entered the city was found about ten thousand slaves, of which two thousand were artisans and manufactured weapons for the Carthaginians.
The Romans promised life in return to continue working for the Romans.
Luis Garcia has continued explaining that there are remnants of grinding mills and steel workshops, metal filings, etc..
We can say that from a certain point confirms that Cartagena could be a military factory.
The mayor of Cartagena, Jose Lopez, explained that these findings are of great archaeological importance.
The excavation is very large and they tell us that the ideal would be to finish the excavation.
The mayor added that believe that what holds this place is important enough to undertake the transfer of some trees.
Lopez explained that want to finish digging and is expected to close with a flat or a pergola to the Plaza de la Merced can be usable for Easter.
On the other hand, if you dig whole you will have to make a start value and build an interpretation center in the basement so that the place remains a public space but remains below one site visited, continued explaining the mayor.
The mayor has sent the team of archaeologists working very well l at will of the government team it is great as we thought that such excavations are vital to Cartagena but it all depends on whether we can get items that will not stop digging .
Jose Lopez stressed that so far, the excavation is one hundred percent local.
On the other hand, the mayor has highlighted the story of the name of the Plaza del Lago: From its origins water systems have been linked to this place.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena