The initiative has gone ahead with the vote in favor of the MC, PSOE, Citizens and Cartagena Si Se Puede, and the abstention of the popular group.
In the motion the regional government is urged to three months Rosell is fully operational in all its services, and the creation of a Monitoring Committee
The plenum of the municipal corporation has given the green light to the motion submitted jointly by Citizens Movement, Socialist group, Citizens and Cartagena Yes you can, to urge the Government of the Region of Murcia to open in three months, the hospital Santa María del Rosell as a second General Hospital, next to Santa Lucia, as the REA II Health with all the features that ensure a consistent supply of quality health service, providing it with human and material resources.
Only the popular group has abstained from voting on this motion, presented by the Deputy Mayor, Ana Belen Castejon, which also sets urge the parliamentary groups of the Regional Assembly the creation of a commission to monitor the opening and Rosell organization of the services of Greater II, commission with the participation of the City Council and the platform in defense of public health Save the Rosell.
Both the mayor of CTSSP, Francisco Matínez, as the spokesman for Citizens, Manuel Padin, they were satisfied with this initiative that started from t he two groups that make up the government, MC and PSOE, while on the popular, Nicholas Angel Bernal noted that the current situation of health at Area Health II is a luxury but everything can be improved.
This was the first of five joint motions that have been presented this morning at the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall and all have not suffered the same fate.
Thus, it has unanimously approved the joint motion of the PSOE and MC Covenant to put a Night among social and economic actors, and everyone involved up to determine the current status of nightlife and problems arising from same that affect citizens, to provide a solution to fall when rest of the neighbors with the leisure and enjoyment in the evenings throughout the year.
Also approved with the abstention of CTSSP, the motion of groups of government, to urge the General Directorate of Cultural Assets of the Region of Murcia requiring the company Hansa Urbana, SA, fulfilled his duties as holder of the Monastery San Gines and, under the Heritage Act of Murcia, open to the public on August 25, the feast of the Patron Saint and as open house, encouraging weekend visit.
The last joint motion was approved with the votes against the PP councilors, it has been to remove the Organic Law 4/2015, of March 30, Protection of Public Safety (Gag Law), by unduly restricting exercise of the rights and freedoms of citizens and represent a frontal attack the rule of law.
Which has not obtained approval initiative is also co-MC and PSOE, on the arrival of the AVE, that after the debate on the motion has been rejected with the votes against the PP and Citizens and refraining from Cartagena Yes It can.
Deputy Mayor argued in the motion unconditional demand immediate implementation of the project Reguerón bypass support, and announced that soon there will be a meeting with the pro platform burial of Murcia.
For the rest of motions filed by the groups, has come forward, also unanimously, the municipal group Citizens initiative, with the help of his spokesman, Manuel Padin, for the protection and maintenance of Algameca Girl and creating a Bureau for follow-up, which are groups, public administrations involved, the locals and the Federation of Neighborhood Associations.
The last motion passed, this with the abstention of the popular group and deletion of paragraphs 3, 5 and 6, has exposed the spokesman Cartagena Yes We Can, Pilar Marcos, for that City Council work on fire prevention and protection of the natural environment.
Both motions, C's and CTSSP, have been supported by the council of the PSOE and MC as the matters in which is already working actively municipal government.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena