The Association has presented this morning in the Court of Instruction No. 2 of Murcia, which is investigating the case Novo Carthago, an application for an possible the commission of a crime of subsidy fraud investigation, the massive redevelopment of agricultural land in the municipality Cartagena who had received grants under the Plan for Modernization and Consolidation of the Community Irrigation Irrigation Arco Sur del Mar Menor.
ANSE complaint comes from the documentation provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and the Environment in response to the request of ANSE accepted around the room, asking to be officiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water in order to inform if the territories affected by the specific modification of the PGOU 113 Cartagena and those affected by the Plan for Modernization and Consolidation of the Community Irrigation Irrigation "Arcosur-Mar Menor" overlapped at some point.
The Autonomous Community submitted a report signed by the Head of Rural Infrastructure, dated March 26, 2015.
With regard to the facts investigated in the case record Novo Carthago, the report reflects the overlaps that occur between the Irrigation Improvement Project Irrigation Community "Arcosur-Mar Menor" and the specific modification of the PGOU # 113 Cartagena (Novo Carthago), showing that not only the initial approved planning instruments and provisionally, but even once they had produced the final approval of the rezoning of that land, they continued passing and running records improvement irrigation, with significant investments of public money (mainly from EU funds), more than 9 million € for the execution of irrigation infrastructure on land that had already been declared or developable urban and therefore, where irrigation He ceased to be accommodated.
Ultimately responsible for the approval of such records, the then Minister of Agriculture, Water and Environment, Antonio Cerda, accused in the case Novo Carthago, had full knowledge of urban modification approved, in which his department had played a key role , reporting favorably.
After analyzing the plans, and their comparison with the final approval of the Revision of the Municipal General Management Plan of Cartagena, ASEAN has shown that a significant portion of agricultural land included in the aforementioned Plan for Modernization and Consolidation of Irrigation (several hundreds of hectares) have been classified as urban, developable land or equipment, which is incompatible with agricultural activity whose modernization has been invested substantial sums of money from, among others, the budgets of the European Union.
Among the General Plan rezoned agricultural land are:
Residential lands located between the cities of Cartagena and La Union.
Soils for equipment (industrial estates) around the municipal sewage treatment plant of Cartagena-Cabezo de Beaza, between it and the industrial area of ​​Los Camachos, and between it and the town of El Algar.
Residential lands located south of the town of El Algar and the highway to La Manga, between this and the mining mountains and the Cabezo de San Gines.
Residential lands located south of the highway to La Manga, between this and the hillock of San Gines, the population of Los Belones and the hillock of El Sabinar.
Golf courses of La Manga Club-Atamaría Partial Plan.
ANSE considered a not only economic but also legal, award grants of public money for improving irrigation for soil and classified as developable, of disparate equipment, and any other different rustic soil for agricultural use.
Source: ANSE