More than one hundred researchers from 20 different countries are participating this week at a conference of Quantum Technology, recognized internationally and that have been conducted biennially at the Polytechnic of Cartagena.
During the conference the latest technological advances based on the laws and phenomena of quantum physics such as quantum coherence and entanglement and the wave-particle duality is present.
"In the nineteenth century the industrial revolution was possible thanks to the steam engine based on the laws of thermodynamics.
In the twentieth century we live in a globalization process through technological application of the theory of electromagnetism.
In the XXI century we are seeing the emergence of quantum technologies based on the laws of quantum physics formulated in the twentieth century by researchers like Planck, Schrödinger and Heisenberg "says Professor Javier UPCT Prior, head of the conference.
"The European Union estimates that two thirds of the gross domestic product of developed economies are based on related quantum physics technologies. If Spain wants to be competitive we must incorporate this technology, connected with nanotechnology, microelectronics, biotechnology and photonics. countries with a smaller population than Spain and Israel, the Netherlands, Singapore, among others, have opted for this technology and economies are now more competitive than ours, "says Prior.
Among the guest speakers at this time include Peter Zoller, Austrian physicist internationally recognized for his work in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information.
Also, the conference will also participate Fedor Jelezko, University of Ulm, a pioneer in research on Nitrogen Vacancy Centers and their applications in spintronics and Martin Plenio, physicist known for his work in the theory of entanglement, quantum technology and quantum biology, among other.
Source: UPCT