After many meetings throughout the electoral campaign workers Navantia, and after being the only political force in the city of Cartagena during the past four years has promoted initiatives to ensure the purchasing power of the workers in the public company, to denounce the elimination of bonuses and to request an extraordinary plan must Gobiernocon linking the future viability of the shipyard in Cartagena, Winning Cartagena, intgrada by coalition United Left-Greens and Socialists for Cartagena, renews its commitment to workers Navantia , which he has always advocated.
The local coordinator of the United Left-Greens Cartagena, Jaime Cayetano Molto, have they remembered that elevated motion in Parliament against the abolition of the bonus in 2012, raised in the Congress of Deputies the need workload for Navantia, called for a plan industrialist who rejuvenated the template and requested explanations and political responsibilities to the leadership of the Ministry and the company before the fiasco of engineering planning and strategic trade policy relating to the submarine S-80.
At the same time, Jaime Cayetano pointed out that thanks to the Cartagena Winning candidate for mayor, Jose Luis Romero, who drove with state federations CCOO and UGT demand the newly gained on increasing the CPI for 2012 and 2013 in payrolls of early retirees, as well as the resolution of the pending lawsuit called Christmas bonus, which illegally and unilaterally had been subtracted widows and pensioners, many workers, early retirees, widows and pensioners of Navantia they have recovered their rights.
Source: IU-verdes Cartagena