The Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) will host next to representatives of eleven foreign universities in the fifth edition of International Staff Week, to be held from 11 to 15 May in Cartagena week.
Twenty teachers and administrative staff from countries like Germany, France, Romania, Italy, Turkey and Poland meet UPCT facilities in Cartagena, the governing team and researchers of the institution and the work of the International Relations.
Specifically, they come from the Universities of Warsaw (Poland), Bergamo (Italy), Latvia (Latvia), Oradea (Romania) Dunkerque (France), Abdelhamid Ibn Badis (Algeria) and Friedrich (Germany), among others.
During his stay in the port city they will learn more about the Spanish culture and Cartagena, in particular.
Responsible for International Relations will guide foreign by museums such as the Roman Theatre, FUNCARELE (Cartagena Foundation for Teaching Spanish Language and Culture, accredited by the Cervantes Institute) and one of the last days will enjoy a ride boat Cartagena Bay.
The purpose of International Week is to analyze the cooperation agreements and maintaining UPCT mobility under the Erasmus + program with visiting universities and study other ways of international cooperation, both in the field of research and teaching.
Every year are carried out numerous mobility of students and university staff thanks to agreements signed between different institutions.
Source: UPCT