Earn Cartagena has announced today its intention to address a comprehensive plan for the Cartagena youth to be held after listening to the youth of our town and not as it has done until now the PP, which carried out behind them, limited its actions in this matter to an employment agency members of New Generations.
A delegation of United Left-Greens and Socialists for Cartagena coalition has made a series of guidelines for such a comprehensive plan dedicated to the youth of our town and passing through employment policies and training, university study aid, aid for acquisition books stages of compulsory education, books coverage mandatory, helps the university transport, promotion of youth culture through transfer of public spaces for initiatives of all artistic disciplines, bailout forced to leave Cartagena abroad extension of the computer rooms in all districts and county educational use booking schedules, alternative leisure projects (avoiding night shifts young people in vehicles with the introduction of bus services, leisure activities on weekends with special emphasis on the summer period, etc.) and observatory of employment and working conditions of young people.
All this because to win Cartagena, as stated Aurora Ortiz, a member of the nomination and youth affected by many of the problems in the current Cartagena youth, "if we do not reverse the situation and keep forgetting to youth, Cartagena has no future ".
Source: IU-verdes Cartagena