A doctoral research at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) has allowed to develop an innovative management model in the Murcia-San Javier Airport, rewarded by Airports Council International as the best in Europe between hosting less than two million passengers a year.
The thesis of Antonio Luis Gamo, entitled 'Quality of electronic service through Cybermarketing' and directed by the researcher in the Faculty of Sciences of the Company Juan Gabriel Cegarra, develops how the existence of certain structures of knowledge (technical infrastructure, People, Support Management, Leadership), are linked to facilitating knowledge transfer processes involved and impacting on the quality of service (External Users and user-passengers and airport staff internally-users).
The researchers created in collaboration with the unit of Engineering and Maintenance Airport, an internal portal telematic management level technical infrastructure.
"The system allows the management of the processes associated with any action, since it is generated by monitoring, communicating, registered, approved and distributed to the corresponding shift until it is closed and informs the applicant automatically by e-mail, being shared also the state of the facilities in Operations Coordination Center, among other aspects related to the accessibility of information, "explains Gamo.
For the rest of knowledge structures, People (Motivation, autonomy, transparency, ...) Support Directorate (recognition, training and skills development, organizational design, ...) and Leadership (Trust, collaboration, problem solving, ...), have complementary identified those key factors that determine the success of a knowledge management program in airport infrastructure in its class.
The work was recently published in the Journal of Knowledge Management under the heading "Factors That Influence the success of a KM-Program in a small-sized airport", while AENA News Magazine has announced this project between airports network in the March issue.
Source: UPCT