The best thing about Cartagena is your future, without blushing Barreiro said in your application.
In this we agree, because the horizon is in the month of May, when the Cartagena recover our present to fight and lay the foundation for future progress.
And to that end MC has developed its Programme for Government.
The still photo of the presentation is illustrative of what the Popular Party and yours have done and want to continue doing Cartagena, which is nothing to keep it.
After 20 years promising future who have not gotten to our present.
The presentation of the Popular Party candidate shows the causes and founded the urgency of MC govern this city and implement its Programme for Government.
In this case we refer to measures of good governance and the optimization of financial and human resources.
The endorsement of the candidacy of Barreiro are his party colleagues, co-responsible for the absence of proposals and isolation of the city, which continue to deny infrastructures and his court, formed by its entrepreneurs and subsidized.
Therefore MC inserted into your program office transparency, which will show the status of each proceeding, claim or concession, but also leave the contests and no political functionary hands as before.
In this line MC promotes effective, strong and prepared administration, in which they work and those who deserve bearing responsibility for skills and not by card or friendship.
So we talked to adapt the template and remove from office the more than 100 department heads made finger, some of them without being not even official and even now as a candidate with the PP.
The clear idea of ​​MC is to be essential public services, and open the door to private initiative, through free competition is curtailed by the council for years, significantly reduce subsidies and unconditional payments Barreiro ago his palm, and thereby spending.
We do not want parasites entrepreneurs, because public money is not for them to do business, but for the city to develop and enhance services to citizens and quality.
And one more thing, MC is intended to Cartagena motor Spanish Levante, as it has been in the past, and what the Popular Party and the Socialist Party have put further than ever in 3,000 years.
Source: Movimiento Ciudadano